2018: Energizing Futures – Sustainable Development and Energy in Transition

2018: Energizing Futures – Sustainable Development and Energy in Transition

13–14 June 2018 in Tampere, Finland

The 19th Futures Conference ‘Energizing Futures – Sustainable Development and Energy in Transition’ emphasized opportunities and challenges related to the need for building and critically evaluating capabilities necessary for sustainable futures.

To understand the challenges of the ongoing energy transition process, we need multidisciplinary, multi-level and time-variant analysis of various issues: renewable and non-renewable energy (re)sources, transforming primary energy into energy carriers (fuels, electricity, and heat), energy technologies, impacts (environmental, social, economic, institutional, cultural, etc.) of energy use, energy exports and imports, energy markets and energy price, energy end-use patterns and consumer behavior, energy and resource efficiencies, energy policies, and energy governance.

The conference was supported by the European Commission via the EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Grant Agreement No. 649342 EUFORIE. The conference was an important dissemination channel for the results generated in the project “European futures of energy efficiency” (EUFORIE), coordinated by the University of Turku.

> Conference web site

Conference Publications: